Sunday, June 16, 2013


First stop on our whirlwind tour is Windsor, the home of the "official" residence of the queen, Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle in the distance. Unfortunately, since our flights arrived in staggered groups and ours was one of the latest, there is no time to take an "official" tour. ALWAYS time for lunch and coffee though. 
Anybody who wants to talk about how different things are in Europe need only look at this picture to see how alike we really are. Everywhere there's something beautiful that people really want to see, there's someone there thinking..."I SHOULD SELL THEM SOME RIDICULOUS CRAP!!!!"
More ridiculous crap that nobody needs.
Windsor Castle in the distance.


Laura said...

I NEED some ridiculous crap!

Jenn said...

Your extra cute nephew and favorite biological sibling also need ridiculous crap! (As well as your dogs... I bet they make cute doggy clothes in Europe)